Colorado Sex Crime Attorney Blog

Probation Violations in Denver, Colorado

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Jul 11, 2016 | 0 Comments

Learn more about probation violations in Colorado.

Image Credit: Pixabay – Kaz

In some cases in Denver, Arapahoe County and everywhere else in Colorado, you can have your probation revoked if you're accused of violating your probation. If accused of violating your probation, a revocation hearing will be held. If you lose the hearing, you will be resentenced. There are many possibilities at resentencing. These possibilities include prison or jail time, a community corrections sentence or reinstatement of probation. Because of all of the possibilities involved, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight for you.

Violating Probation in Adams County, Colorado – Possible Situations

In Adams County, Jefferson County and everywhere else in Colorado, you can face accusations of violating your probation under many circumstances. If accused of violating your probation by your probation officer, a Petition to Revoke Probation will be filed against you. Some of the reasons you might face accusations of violating your probation are if you've consumed alcohol or used drugs, didn't complete your anger management classes, changed your address without permission, didn't complete your community service hours, showed up late or missed probation officer appointments, failed to register as a sex offender, or didn't pay any required costs and fines. There are many other ways you can violate your probation. And, in many cases, it may be because of circumstances that were out of your control. For example, perhaps a woman loses her job and cannot afford to pay required costs or fines. She could face accusations of violating her probation. Or, think about the man who accidentally comes into contact with someone who filed a protection order against him. He could face accusations of violating a protection order, which would be considered violating probation. In any situation where you face accusations of violating your probation, the best thing you can do is consult an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Early Termination in Colorado: Can I End Probation Early in Jefferson County, Colorado?

In Golden, Jefferson County and across Colorado, you can end your probation early under certain circumstances. Receiving consent from the District Attorney is helpful, but it's not required. It's important to know what the judge and DA expect or want before you inquire about ending your probation early. An experienced criminal defense lawyer is imperative if considering ending your probation early. We can point out to the judge and DA your progress in any required treatment, your criminal history as well as any professional evaluations or recommendations.

Accused of Probation Violations in Colorado? Why You Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you face accusations for violating your probation by your probation officer in Denver, Englewood or anywhere else in Colorado, consult an experienced attorney immediately. Our attorneys have the experience necessary to defend against unfair or unreasonable accusations during your revocation hearing. We can negotiate with district attorneys when considering resentencing and work towards the best possible outcome for your case. Contact the O'Malley Law Office today if you face accusations of violating your probation and need someone to defend your rights and future.

If you face accusations of probation violations anywhere in Colorado, be smart and remain silent. Then, call the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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