Child Prostitution Lawyer in Denver: What is Child Prostitution in Colorado?
This page contains a list of sex crimes related to child prostitution and sexual contact with children in Adams County, Jefferson County, and across Colorado. For purposes of each of these crimes, a child is seen as an individual less than 18 years old. If you're facing any one of these charges, consulting an experienced child prostitution lawyer in Denver is vital for your future.
If you've been charged with a Child Prostitution-related crime in Denver, contact a criminal defense attorney who will aggressively defend your rights, freedom and reputation.
Soliciting for Child Prostitution
C.R.S. 18-7-402
A person commits this crime if they contact an adult or child requesting sex with a child. There is no formal language requirement. Next, if someone sets up a meeting with a child for sexual reasons, or leads somebody to a location where a child is involved in prostitution, he or she could also face these charges. This crime is a class 3 felony in El Paso and Pitkin County.
Inducement of Child Prostitution
C.R.S. 18-7-405.5
When someone invites, requests or assists a child to engage in a prostitution act by word or action in Aurora or Denver, he or she commits the crime of Inducement of Child Prostitution. This inducement must occur by means other than Pandering. Inducement of a Child is a class 3 felony in Colorado, and is subject to a prison sentence.
Pandering of a Child
C.R.S. 18-7-403
An adult would face charges of Pandering of a Child if any money is exchanged to force, threat or intimidate a child to participate in prostitution, or if someone arranges or offers to arrange for a child to practice prostitution. This crime is a class 2 or class 3 felony in Jefferson County, Colorado.
Keeping a Place of Child Prostitution
C.R.S. 18-7-404
If a man or a woman sets up a location in a building, home, or isolated place for prostitution by a child to take place in Denver County, Douglas County or anywhere else in Colorado, he or she would be facing a class 3 felony charge.
Pimping of a Child
C.R.S. 18-7-405
If someone receives money or any other thing of value from child prostitution in Colorado, he or she could be charged with the class 3 felony Pimping of a Child. This crime arises whether the person is living off of part or all of what he or she receives from child prostitution.
Patronizing a Prostituted Child
C.R.S. 18-7-406
When someone participates in any sexual act with a child for money, or is present in a place of prostitution in order to have sexual contact with a child, he or she can be charged with Patronizing a Prostituted Child. This is a class 3 felony sexual offense in Centennial and Littleton, Colorado.
Procurement of a Child
C.R.S. 18-7-403.5
When someone helps set up a child for prostitution purposes, such as giving them transportation or other aid, it is considered Procurement of a Child. Someone convicted of this crime could face a class 3 felony charge in Arapahoe and Denver County, along with an extensive prison sentence.
Crime | Classification | Possible Sentence |
Pandering of a Child | Class 2, Class 3 Felony | 8 – 24 Years in the Colorado Department of Corrections |
Patronizing a Child | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Inducement of Child Prostitution | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Pimping of a Child | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Procurement of a Child | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Keeping a Place of Child Prostitution | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Soliciting for Child Prostitution | Class 3 Felony | 4 – 12 Years in the Department of Corrections |
Why Do You Need a Child Prostitution Lawyer in Denver?
Police stings related to child prostitution cases in Colorado occur across the state. Generally, police departments have received federal grant funding and want to show results to the funding agency. The desire to produce results can pose the risk for innocent people to be falsely accused of these child prostitution crimes. Further harm results when those accused of child sex based crimes are placed on administrative leave at their jobs before any conviction. Not only can that be harmful, but those convicted of child prostitution related crimes will lose their jobs altogether. Under current law, those who hold teaching licenses will lose their licenses after the court notifies the Colorado Department of Education. As you can see, any one of these Child Prostitution crimes will result in devastating consequences. It is crucial for you to contact an aggressive criminal defense attorney if facing any of these charges. A child prostitution lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group will fight hard and fast to protect you.