Felony Sexual Assault and Rape Lawyer in Denver
This page contains the specific statutory requirements that explain what constitutes as Felony Sexual Assault in Colorado. If you need an experienced sexual assault and rape lawyer in Denver, call our office. Our Colorado criminal lawyers specialize in sex crimes in Jefferson, Adams and Arapahoe County, and throughout Colorado.
CRS 18-3-402: Felony Sexual Assault
The crime of Felony Sexual Assault is committed if a person:
- Has sexual penetration or intrusion with someone and forces them to do so by threatening physical injury or death;
- Or deceives or manipulates them in some way in order to force a sexual encounter.
This crime is commonly known as rape. A sexual assault and rape lawyer in Denver and the surrounding area can defend you from the harsh consequences of this sex crime.
What is the Sentence for Sexual Assault and Rape?
Felony Sexual Assault is either a class 2, 3, 4, or 6 felony. The sentences for these felonies ranges from 1 – 24 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections, and a $1,000 – $1,0000,000 fine.
How Did I Get Charged with Sexual Assault or Rape?
Regularly, rape charges arise from accusations that someone was raped by their date, or raped at a social gathering by an acquaintance. For example, some might drink enough alcohol to be too intoxicated to make a knowledgeable consenting decision to have sex and anyone that has sexual relations with them could be charged with rape. Technically, the law says that since the individual was physically helpless to resist and may not have given consent, the other party involved can be charged with Colorado felony sexual assault.
Frequently, people falsely accuse others of sexual assault. In cases where one party is desperate to hide wrongs, angry at the other, or wanting to take advantage of someone in authority to manipulate and gain leverage, they may claim they were sexually assaulted.
Why Do I Need a Sexual Assault and Rape Lawyer in Denver?

The consequences of a sex offense conviction are long-lasting. If convicted, you face an indeterminate prison sentence. Also, Felony Sexual Assault (CRS 18-3-402) is a sex offense in Colorado and requires the person convicted to register as a sex offender and obey the harsh sex offender treatment rules of the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). Domestic Violence is often added as a sentence-enhancer to Sexual Assault charges. This makes the charges more aggravated. Our Colorado criminal lawyers located in the Denver or Douglas county area who are experienced in fighting charges resulting from sex crimes are vital to your future freedom.
If contacted by police regarding Sexual Assault charges, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call the lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880 for a free consultation.
Together, we can protect your future.
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