Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist in Colorado – CRS 18-3-405.5
This page details the specific statutory requirements that compose the charge of Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist in Colorado. Our Colorado criminal lawyers specialize in sex crimes in Denver, Jefferson and Adams County areas, and throughout Colorado.
What is Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist – CRS 18-3-405.5?
The crime of Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist is committed when a mental health professional who is responsible for treating, diagnosing, and counseling others in a professional setting takes advantage of the relationship to have sexual contact with their client. Colorado law states that there can be no sexual contact, intrusion, or penetration between a psychotherapist and a client for any reason. In cities like Englewood, Aurora, and Centennial, psychiatrists, psychologists, and all other mental health professionals fall under the definition of psychotherapist.
A client of a psychotherapist is not able to give consent to any type of sexual intrusion or contact in Highlands Ranch, Greeley, and Westminster. The law forbids all sexual interaction between a client, who is the victim, and the psychotherapist, who is the actor. This crime is serious. The law believes that people helping others with mental illnesses should not manipulate those people into a sexual relationship.
Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist (CRS 18-3-405.5) is a sex offense in Colorado and requires the person convicted to register as a sex offender and be subject to harsh sex offender treatment rules of the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). Our Colorado criminal lawyers practice in Douglas, Larimer, and Weld County areas. They are experienced in fighting charges resulting from sex crimes and are your most important asset.