Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Colorado – CRS 18-3-405.6
This page contains the specific statutory requirements that explain the charges a person faces if they are accused of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Colorado. Our Colorado criminal lawyers specialize in sex crimes in Denver, Jefferson, and Adams County, and throughout Colorado. If you have been accused of this sex offense, it is vital for your freedom that you have an experienced sex crimes defense attorney in Denver by your side.
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Douglas County: CRS 18-3-405.6:
The crime of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification is committed in Douglas County when someone knowingly, for sexual gratification, watches another person undress or takes a picture of their intimate parts without them knowing it or permission to do it in a place where the victim expects no such invasion of privacy. In Aurora, Highlands Ranch, Westminster, and all along the Front Range, this crime is considered a sex offense and is an extraordinary risk crime. If the victim in the crime is someone under fifteen and the actor is more than four years older, or if the crime is committed after a prior conviction of the same crime, it is a class 6 felony charge, and a person could face time in the Colorado Department of Corrections.
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Arapahoe County: Definitions in the Law
The law for Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Arapahoe County defines “picture” as a photograph, motion picture, video, live feed (i.e. webcam), print, negative, slide, or anything else that is mechanically, electronically, or chemically produced or reproduced and is visual material. By this definition, a hidden camera in a place of privacy can result in a conviction for this offense.
Lawyer in Adams County for Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification: The “Sexual Gratification” Clause
A critical part of this law lies in the “sexual gratification” clause in Adams County. If someone is caught spying on others in a state of undress they may instead just be guilty of Criminal Invasion of Privacy (CRS 18-7-801), which is a class 2 misdemeanor and not a sex crime.
Jefferson County Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification: What is the Sentence for Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Denver?
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification (CRS 18-3-405.6) is a sex offense in Jefferson County, which requires the person convicted to register as a sex offender and obey the harsh sex offender treatment rules of the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB).