Image Credit: Pixabay – TayebMEZAHDIA
It is never easy when a close friend, spouse or other family member is in the Denver County Jail, Adams County Jail, or any other jail in Colorado. But, what is the best way to get them out of jail? How do you help them get released from jail if they've been arrested for Sexual Assault, Unlawful Sexual Contact or Indecent Exposure? In today's blog, we'll discuss bonding or bailing a loved one out of jail in Colorado in more detail. It is always best to consult a bail and bond criminal defense attorney from the O'Malley Law Office if you have more questions about bonding a loved one out of jail.
Should I Wait to Bail a Loved One Out of the Jefferson County Jail?
In Jefferson County, you may be wondering if it is best to wait to bond a loved one out of the Jefferson County Jail, or post bond right away. The answer is that it often depends on what crime your loved one is accused of committing, such as Public Indecency or Posting a Private Image for Harassment. It also depends on their criminal history and the details of the allegations involved. The criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office have seen hundreds of bond hearings and know what the best course of action is for bonding a loved one out of jail in Colorado, so you should consult one of our criminal defense attorneys as soon as possible. They can discuss the facts of the case with you, meet your friend in jail, and learn what the District Attorney's position on Bail and Bond is. This is all necessary preparation for the hearing before a Colorado judge or magistrate.
Personal Recognizance Bond, Cash Bond, Surety Bond in Arapahoe County: What a Criminal Defense Lawyer Recommends
In Arapahoe County, a Personal Recognizance Bond, or PR Bond, is a bond where a person promises to pay the court if they Fail to Appear, by signing with or for the defendant. No money will be posted for this type of bond. However, the bail and bond will turn into a civil judgment against the defendant and any cosigner if the defendant fails to appear in court. Since no money will be put down for a PR bond, it is always the best option for someone looking to bond a friend or family member out of jail. However, if the court does not grant a PR bond, and you have enough money on a reasonable bond, it might be best to post the cash yourself. In Arapahoe County, this is known as a Cash Bond. The third best bond is a Surety Bond, where a bondsman posts the money for you, and you pay a rental fee. When a Personal Recognizance Bond is not granted, it is best to post cash or get a bondsman to post the bond for you with one of these types of bond. If the bond amount is too high and you wish to get it lowered, it is best to have a criminal defense lawyer appear before the judge with you to get it reduced. Consult an experienced criminal defense bond attorney from the O'Malley Law Office to try and have the bond amount reduced. We have many success stories of working out a lower bond with the court and district attorney.
Failure to Appear in Adams County Jail: A Failure to Appear Can Complicate Bond / Bail
If a defendant has a record of not coming to court, and their record shows a Failure to Appear in Adams County, it can be difficult for courts to agree to lower a bond amount. It can also be challenging for you to post a Cash Bond or for a bondsman to agree to post bond for a friend or family member who has a history of Failing to Appear. If someone fails to appear in court on a bond return date, the court will order a hearing and a warrant for an arrest will be issued. The bondsman will also require the cosigner pay the bond amount in full, which can be burdensome for the cosigner.
Bond and Bail Lawyer in Douglas County: You Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney to Help You
In many criminal cases, a judge must see the defendant before they are released from jail in Douglas County, especially in Domestic Violence cases. Under these circumstances, there will be a hearing. Sometimes though, during these hearings the judge will refuse to change a bond amount until the DA consults the victim under the Victim's Rights Act. This tactic will cause a delay in the release of your friend, and is often unnecessary. Some DAs don't act quickly in these situations, prolonging the time a defendant stays in jail. This is frustrating for the defendant and their loved ones. As experienced bond and bail criminal lawyers in Denver, we can help your loved one get out of jail as soon as possible. Your loved one's future and freedom are extremely important to us. We will fight the government's case and work hard to get your loved one out of jail in a timely manner. If you have a loved one in a county jail in Colorado and you want to bond them out, call the best criminal defense bail and bond lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office to schedule a free consultation today.
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