Colorado Sex Crime Attorney Blog

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act in the Denver Area

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Dec 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Learn more about the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act in Colorado.
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Here at the O'Malley Law office, we are constantly amazed at how people convicted of sex offenses are treated in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County. People believe that a registered sex offender must be a violent rapist or pedophile. But, nothing is further from the truth. Did you know that a drunk man who pinches a woman's butt at a club while dancing can result in his becoming a sex offender? Or, a high school student who decided it would be a fun prank to streak across the football field can be in danger of having to complete sex offender treatment? We need to stop demonizing people who have committed sex offenses, and realize many of them were convicted after a thoughtless mistake. And, thanks to our colleges and the federal government, further punishment is inflicted on sex offenders.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act is Unjust

In order to better understand why this act is unjust, let's use an example:

Josh made a mistake. One wild night, he was out drinking at a club, and started dancing with a woman who seemed to like him. He went a little too far, and touched her butt while they were dancing. She instantly grew angry, and called the police. Before he knew it, Josh was convicted of Unlawful Sexual Contact, and was suddenly a registered sex offender in Denver County. Josh served his time in jail, went through treatment, and has been registering carefully for over six months. One day, he decides the best way to better himself is to enroll in Metro State University in Denver. He's always been interested in Graphic Design, and he knows getting a degree will help him get a better job. So, he enrolls – excited to begin the following month. Unfortunately, Josh didn't know about the Campus Sex Crimes Prevent Act, which requires that he notify law enforcement when he enrolls in higher education. Now, Josh is facing Failure to Register as a Sex Offender charges, and will be unable to attend college.

Sex Offenders Become Targets

Sex offenders are targets in our society – the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act only intensifies this.

Sex offenders are targets in our culture. People don't understand the complexities of the law in Douglas, El Paso, and Arapahoe County, and they demonize any person with a sex offense on their record. Why would college students at CU or CSU need to know if their classmate is a sex offender? It's not as if their knowing will protect them. With the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, students now know if there is a sex offender in their classroom – this leads to harassment, which is unjust. The sex offender in their classroom could have been convicted for peeing too many times in public (2 Public Indecency charges in a certain amount of time = a sex offense).

Request a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one is required to register as a sex offender, contact at experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office to discuss sex offender deregistration so you can have your freedom. Contact us today for a free consultation at 303-830-0880.
Together, we can protect your future.

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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