What is the Purpose of the Child Contact Assessment in Colorado (CCA)?
A Child Contact Assessment takes place in order to estimate the potential risk that a convicted adult sex offender poses to his or her own children. These can be performed prior to a plea, but are not seen as reliable before a conviction.
What Happens at a CCA Evaluaton?
Extensive evaluations and interviews will take place to assess your sexual history, personality, empathy, ability for attachment, and how your family functions. The assessment will involve:
- Personality Tests
- Sexual Interest Tests (which use the Abel Assessment, which measures your capacity for empathy and attachment abilities)
- Sexual History Polygraph Test
- Interviews with your Wife or Partner
- Interviews with your Children's Mother (if not your wife or partner)
- Interviews with your Children
The Problem with the CCA
The inherent problem with the CCA is that it operates under the guidelines of the SOMB, and it gives far too much power to therapists in Jefferson, Adams, and Larimer County.
The SOMB's Harsh Views on Sex Offenders
The SOMB utilizes extremely harsh and unrealistic procedures with sex offenders. They state in their guidelines that all sex offenders are “dangerous.” While this may be true about some offenders, it is most definitely not true about them all. They also state that sex offenders are “inherently covert, deceptive, and secretive.” Again, while this may be true about some sex offenders, as criminal lawyers, we have seen many people who have been convicted of sex offenses after being falsely accused, or caught in a sting operation. These are good people, who aren't always “dangerous.” These beliefs limit the SOMB's ability to rehabilitate and reintegrate people back into society because they aren't looking objectively at each unique person.
Therapists Have Complete Control
Unfortunately, therapists have a lot of control when it comes to contact with your children. A common sense judge might order that a man who was caught in a sting operation (which didn't involve an actual child), is able to see his own child after successfully completing a CCA. A therapist might not view the judge's ruling favorably, however, and is often able to make the contact with a child unbearable. This can be done by using the SOMB guidelines and making the visits difficult.
Why You Need a Top Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been contacted by Highlands Ranch, Aurora, or Lone Tree police regarding a sex crime against a child, it is very important to work with an experienced criminal lawyer. A sex offense conviction could have a negative impact on your future. You could lose contact with your own children. Don't put your life and the future of your family into the hands of an inexperienced lawyer or an overworked public defender. Contact an attorney who can create a strong defense on your behalf.
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