Stripping Naked at the Police Station?
According to the bizarre news report, a man walked into the police station in Colorado Springs, and exposed himself. He wasn't there for any reason other than to strip down in front of the officers. He fled, and they found him running naked through the streets. He was arrested, and has been charged with Indecent Exposure in El Paso County. According to the police, this isn't an unusual occurrence. Cops often carry around extra blankets and sets of clothing, because apparently, dealing with nudity is common in an officer's daily life. This is because they encounter people who are struggling with drug addiction or alcohol abuse. Intoxication is a common reason behind a person exposing themselves in public. When a person is drunk, they don't think logically, and make decisions which can affect their future. Indecent Exposure is a sex offense, which has more serious consequences than a regular crime. Let's take a look at it to see what I mean.
What is Indecent Exposure in Colorado?
Indecent Exposure – C.R.S. 18-7-302, is a sex offense in Adams, Douglas, and Garfield County. This means a person convicted of this crime will be required to register as a sex offender, and complete sex offender treatment. This treatment is overseen by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), which is harsh and unyielding when it comes to sex offenders. Indecent Exposure is charged whenever a person exposes their genitals in public, with the intent to arouse or satisfy sexual desire and shock or alarm.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Indecent Exposure Charges
Indecent Exposure is very similar to the crime of Public Indecency. But, the consequences are vastly different. Public Indecency is not a sex offense – which means you wouldn't be required to register as a sex offender or undergo treatment. A skilled criminal defense lawyer will know which elements to focus on to work out a favorable plea deal for Public Indecency. Many of our clients avoid sex offender registration and treatment after we fight in their case. Don't stand alone in front of a judge with the possibility of being a sex offender on the line. Don't let a night of drinking and bad decisions ruin your chance at a better future. Work with one of the best lawyers at our firm who will be your advocate in court. We fight to win.
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