Juvenile sexual choices made in Colorado may come back to haunt you. Colorado and Denver, Jefferson, Arapahoe, and Adams County say that the legal age of sexual consent is seventeen provided that the actor is not in a position of trust. Because of this age of consent law, a nineteen year old man was arrested and is being held in Eagle County for Sexual Assault of a Child because of a choice he made two years ago.
Age of Consent and Difference in Age
When the accused offender was seventeen, he allegedly had a sexual relationship with a twelve year-old girl. Even though five years does not seem like much of an age difference, the law thinks differently. The law says five years is too much when it comes to sexual relationships and the sexual choices of teens, minors, and juveniles. Prosecutors charge Internet Luring of a Child (CRS 18-3-306), Enticement of a Child (CRS 18-3-305), or Sexual Exploitation of a Child (CRS 18-6-403) whenever someone interacts sexually with a child who is younger than the age of consent.
The Romeo and Juliet Law
Colorado does not recognize anyone younger than seventeen as being legally capable of giving their consent in a sexual relationship. Not unless both people are within four years of age. The law does make an exception for juveniles who are under the age of 17 and wish to engage in sexual activities with another juvenile. This provision is called the “Romeo and Juliet Law”. This provides for minors who are both under the legal age of consent but close to the same age. They may engage in sexual activities without worrying about legal prosecution in Colorado cities like Englewood, Aurora, Lakewood, or Castle Rock. Colorado gives a child of 15 or 16 the legal right to consent to sexual relations with someone else not more than ten years older than them. And, children younger than 15 may also give legal sexual consent to a person not more than four years older than them. If the older person in the relationship is in a position of trust with the younger, the age restrictions are different.
Angry Parents or Revengeful Exes Can Accuse
Unfortunately in this case, the boy was too old for the girl to have given her consent legally. He is now in danger of being deported because authorities believe he is in the country illegally. Teens in Douglas, Larimer, and Weld County should know how sex assault accusations arise. They may arise from a sexual relationship with someone who is under the legal age of consent. They should know that sometimes, angry parents will file charges against the older partner in the pair. Or, a nasty break-up could lead to someone seeking sexual assault on a child charges out of revenge.
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