Image Credit: Pixabay – DarkoStojanovic
According to a recent news story, a Colorado Springs 51-year-old male hospital worker is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old mentally delayed minor who volunteered at the hospital where he worked. The hospital worker allegedly met the 15-year-old on a dating app, and the two agreed to meet in a hospital bathroom and engage in oral sex. The teen later reported the incident to police. After the incident was reported, an undercover officer set up a fake account on the dating app used to communicate with the 15-year-old. There, the officer posed as a 14-year-old and spoke with the hospital worker. Multiple explicit messages were exchanged and the hospital worker agreed to meet with the pretend 14-year-old. Later on during a police interview, the hospital worker admitted to chatting with the pretend 14-year-old on the dating app, as well as meeting the 15-year-old and engaging in sexual acts. In Colorado Springs, El Paso County and across Colorado, the hospital worker would face charges of Internet Luring of a Child and Sexual Assault on an At-Risk Juvenile.
Sexual Assault on an At-Risk Juvenile in Douglas County, Colorado
In Douglas County and across Colorado, Sexual Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-402, is charged in many ways. One way Sexual Assault is charged is if someone inflicts sexual intrusion or sexual penetration on a victim when, at the time of the commission of the act, the victim is at least fifteen years of age but less than seventeen years of age and the actor is at least ten years older than the victim and is not the spouse of the victim. The 51-year-old male hospital worker performed oral sex on a 15-year-old, which qualifies as Sexual Assault. Additionally, since the 15-year-old is mentally delayed, he qualifies as an at-risk juvenile (someone under the age of 18 with a disability). Sexual Assault on an At-Risk Juvenile is a class 2 felony in Colorado.
Internet Luring of a Child in Arapahoe and Adams County, Colorado
Additionally, the hospital worker could face Internet Luring of a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-306, charges. In Arapahoe and Adams County, Colorado, Internet Luring of a Child charges occur whenever:
“An actor commits internet luring of a child if the actor knowingly communicates over a computer or computer network, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message to a person who the actor knows or believes to be under fifteen years of age and, in that communication or in any subsequent communication by computer, computer network, telephone network, data network, text message, or instant message, describes explicit sexual conduct as defined in section 18-6-403 (2) (e), and, in connection with that description, makes a statement persuading or inviting the person to meet the actor for any purpose, and the actor is more than four years older than the person or than the age the actor believes the person to be.”
The man faces Internet Luring of a Child charges for exchanging explicit messages and agreeing to meet with the pretend 14-year-old, when his age was more than four years older than the pretend 14-year-old. Internet Luring of a Child is either a class 5 felony or class 4 felony in Colorado.
Entrapment as a Defense in Denver County Criminal Cases
In some Denver County Court Internet Luring of a Child cases, men and women are “entrapped” into committing the offense. Entrapment includes the position that the accused likely wouldn't have committed the offense if police hadn't been so deceptive when talking with them. If you have been entrapped into committing Internet Luring of a Child or another internet sexual offense in Colorado, a criminal defense lawyer may be able to use the Entrapment defense in your case, especially if police initiated contact with you.
Internet Luring of a Child and Sexual Assault Lawyer in Jefferson County: Call the O'Malley Law Office Regarding Indeterminate Sentence Cases
If you are facing charges or accusations of Internet Luring of a Child or Sexual Assault in Jefferson County or any other part of Colorado, contact the best criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office today. A conviction of either sexual offense could lead to an indeterminate prison sentence (lifetime), fines, and sex offender registration and treatment. You could also risk losing your job and experience difficulties finding housing. Contact the best criminal defense attorneys at the O'Malley Law Office right away if facing allegations or charges of Internet Luring of a Child or Sexual Assault on an At-Risk Juvenile in Colorado. Our attorneys fight to win.
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