Unlike the Denver District Attorney, many District Attorneys in Weld, Douglas, and Arapahoe County use the standard of “likelihood of success” as opposed to the tougher standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. They use this when deciding whether to prosecute defendants in Colorado. This includes people who are arrested for Enticement of a Child – CRS 18-3-305, Sexual Exploitation of a Child – CRS 18-6-403, or Sexual Assault – CRS 18-3-402.
Denver District Attorney: Innocent Until Proven Guilty
The Denver District Attorney has received criticism for how the Denver office approaches crimes. The Denver District Attorney looks at the bigger picture of a possible jury trial and decides to prosecute people based on the principle “beyond a reasonable doubt”. Thus enforcing the standard of innocent until proven guilty. Some people are critical by the discretion used by the Denver District Attorney's office. Our law firm is well aware that the Denver District Attorneys Office does not ignore crime. They just avoid the emotional appeal of charging someone they can't convict at trial. We think that is a good thing.
The Denver District Attorney's office helps many people who are not guilty avoid the lengthy court and trial process they would have to otherwise endure. By applying the courtroom standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” from the beginning, they are able to evaluate the case. And, save the defendant, the courts and the DAs office wasted time. This is not the standard followed in many other county courts such as Jefferson, Douglas, and Adams County.
Facing accusations of a sex crime from the District Attorney is life changing. If police arrest you for a sex crime, you could be suspended from jobs. And, be automatically treated as a sex offender. They will often have to re-locate or be separated from their children no matter the evidence. The Denver District Attorney tries to responsibly handle these cases with the greatest respect for their job and the unnecessary losses to the accused.
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