Having a criminal record of Public Indecency, Sexual Assault on a Child or Indecent Exposure raises a lot of questions for people in Denver or Douglas County.
Many of our clients wonder how their criminal record will impact their daily lives. They fear losing their job, not being able to find a job, or losing contact with close family members and friends. These concerns are valid, so it is always in your best interest to seal or expunge a criminal record if the law permits you to do so.
Fortunately, in some cases it's possible to seal or expunge your criminal record. In today's blog, we'll look more closely at the differences between record expungement and record sealing in Denver and across Colorado.
What is Criminal Record Expungement in Adams County?
When a record is expunged, it's as if a crime never occurred.
Expungement in Adams and Jefferson County refers to juvenile criminal records. When a criminal record is expunged, it's like the crime never occurred. The criminal record will be erased and cannot be accessed anymore by anyone except the government.
This is reassuring for young people whose lives are just starting. When a juvenile record is expunged in Brighton or Golden, nobody can access their criminal record, even with a court order.
What is Record Sealing in Denver?
Record sealing is a relief for people looking for employment and are worried about background checks.
Record sealing in Denver and Littleton applies to adult criminal cases. Record sealing means your criminal record still exists, but it can only be accessed by a court order. This rarely occurs with most sealings. Record sealing is often a relief for many people looking for employment and are worried about background checks.
Sealing a record is similar to expunging a record; the difference is your record can still be accessed in limited cases. You can find more information on petitioning to the court about sealing a criminal record on the Colorado Judicial Branch website. It is generally best to have an experienced record sealing attorney involved.
However, you should note that sex crimes convictions (even with misdemeanor crimes) or guilty pleas cannot be sealed. Some cases involving sexual crimes may be sealable after a deferred judgment and sentence. Be sure and consult an experienced lawyer who seals records to know for sure.
When Can I Expunge or Seal My Record in Colorado?
You may be able to expunge or seal your criminal record in Colorado if:

You were arrested, but charges weren't filed against you

Charges were filed against you, but they were dismissed or you accepted a plea bargain deal

You were found not guilty after a trial

You are a juvenile and you were adjudicated
If you're interested in sealing your criminal record, or if your child is interested in an expungement of his / her criminal record, always consult an expert sex crimes defense lawyer first.
More on Expungement and Record Sealing in Denver: Contact a Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
Expungement and record sealing can each be a complex process in Denver and Arapahoe County. You need a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer to walk you through each process. Contact our office today to schedule a free initial consultation if you have more questions about record sealing and expungement in Colorado.
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