Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, C.R.S. 18-3-412.5, can be charged in Adams and Jefferson County under many circumstances. In our eyes, the Failure to Register as a Sex Offender law can be harsh. Let's take a closer look at how Failure to Register as a Sex Offender is charged in Arapahoe County and across Colorado.
Denver Sex Offender Registry is Required When You Move
Let's look at an example of how easy it can be to face charges of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender when you move:
Matt was convicted of Unlawful Sexual Contact at 18 years of age, following a break up with his girlfriend, right when he graduated from high school. After a couple of years, Matt was ready to better his life. He decided to enroll at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. After a couple of months of waiting, Matt was accepted. Since Matt is from another state, he's required to re-register as a sex offender within five days of moving to Colorado. Matt was aware that he needed to re-register, but he became so wrapped up in the move that he exceeded the five days. As a result, he could be charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.
Colorado Sex Offender Registration Laws are Difficult
You need an expert defense attorney to fight for you if you've been charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.
This is an unfortunate situation for Matt, since he will face additional consequences for failing to re-register as a sex offender. Depending on which sex offense is committed (a felony or misdemeanor), the Failure to Register as a Sex Offender charge will be the same level. For instance, in Matt's case, he was charged with felony Unlawful Sexual Contact. This means he'll be charged with felony Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. The five days requirement seems unreasonable for people in Douglas County. They can be charged with failing to register when changes occur in their lives that aren't reported to a law enforcement agency. These changes may be a move (like in Matt's case) or a change of contact information (an email address, a phone number, etc.).
Charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender? Contact the Best Denver Lawyer
Life for sex offenders is complicated in Denver. This is due to the many restrictions placed on them. Though these sex offender rules are intended for good, they make life hard for a convicted sex offender. Colorado laws restrict sex offenders so much that it is impossible for them to reintegrate back into society. As in Matt's case, he was trying to return to a normal life by attending college. Yet, his mistake of failing to re-register may have ruined his chances of receiving his college education. If you have been charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender in Douglas or El Paso County, contact our sex crimes defense lawyers today. Our sex crimes lawyers know that good people sometimes make mistakes, which is why we fight aggressively to protect their futures.
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