According to the news, a 17-year-old juvenile was accused of a sexual encounter with two young boys in a locker room. A six-year-old boy involved told police the 17-year-old teen asked to see his genitals and proceeded to touch them when he was changing into a swimsuit in the locker room. The boy also accused the juvenile of exposing his own private parts. Another boy, aged 7, told police the teen assaulted him in the same way. The teen later admitted to his actions. In Denver and Douglas County, Colorado, the teen could be charged with juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact and juvenile Public Indecency. If your child has been accused or charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact or Public Indecency, contact a juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact lawyer or juvenile Public Indecency lawyer immediately.
Aurora Juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney: Teens Can Be Charged for Unlawful Sexual Contact with Children
As it applies to the news story, in Aurora and Arapahoe County, juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404, can be charged whenever an actor knowingly, with or without sexual contact, induces or coerces a child by any means set forth in the Sexual Assault statute (C.R.S. 18-3-402) to expose intimate parts or to engage in any sexual contact, intrusion, or penetration with another person. This would have to be for the purpose of the actor's own sexual gratification. A “child” under these circumstances is anyone under 18 years of age. Since the 17-year-old is accused of asking the six-year-old and seven-year-old to expose their genitals, he could be charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”80%”]If your child has been charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact or Public Indecency in Colorado, contact a juvenile attorney today.[/pullquote]Juvenile Public Indecency Jefferson County Attorney: How the Related Crime of Juvenile Public Indecency is Charged
In Boulder and Jefferson County, Colorado, as it also applies to the news story, juvenile Public Indecency, C.R.S. 18-7-301, is charged whenever a person exposes their genitals to the view of another person under circumstances where their conduct would likely cause affront or alarm to that person. Since the 17-year-old is accused of also exposing his genitals to the boys, he could be charged with juvenile Public Indecency.
Denver Juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer and Juvenile Adjudication vs. Juvenile Conviction
When a juvenile in Denver or Adams County commits a sexual offense (such as Public Indecency or Unlawful Sexual Contact) he / she will have to appear in juvenile court. If found guilty of the crime, a juvenile will be adjudicated rather than convicted. However, a juvenile can be charged as an adult (known as Direct File) for committing a more serious offense such as juvenile Sexual Assault or juvenile Sexual Assault on a Child in Colorado. If your child has been accused or charged with juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact, Public Indecency or any other serious juvenile sex offense in Colorado, contact a juvenile Unlawful Sexual Contact lawyer or juvenile Public Indecency attorney at the O'Malley Law Office today.
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