Revenge porn, legally known as posting a private image for harassment, involves distributing intimate photos of someone without their consent. Posting these images with the intent to upset or harass the person can lead to serious criminal charges. Additionally, a senate bill recently signed by the governor expands upon current laws that criminalize revenge porn. Victims can now be permitted to sue for damages and court costs. With this potential added ramification, contacting a Denver revenge porn lawyer is especially critical for those facing an accusation or charge.
What Constitutes Posting a Private Image for Harassment in Denver?
The definition of revenge porn is found in C.R.S. 18-7-107, Posting a Private Image for Harassment. Someone commits this crime if they are 18 years of age or older and they:
- post or distribute intimate images or videos of someone without their consent,
- online (typically through social media),
- for the purpose of harassing or upsetting the depicted individual
The images have to include private, intimate body parts or sex acts involving an identified / identifiable person (also 18 or older) in order to fit the legal definition. In addition, the posting of such images must have resulted in serious emotional distress upon the victim. Circumstances involving revenge porn sometimes include former romantic partners trying to get even after a breakup, as well as attempts to tarnish another's reputation.
Can You Go to Jail for Posting a Private Image for Harassment in Colorado?
Posting a private image for harassment is a class 1 misdemeanor throughout Colorado's counties. Potential punishments can include as many as 18 months in county jail and also fines of up to $10,000. This is a much steeper fine than those associated with other class 1 misdemeanors. Beyond the criminal ramifications, defendants also now face the possibility of a civil claim that may balloon rapidly. Money damages, attorney costs, and fees can all fall on the defendant in these situations moving forward.
Defense Attorney for Posting a Private Image | Denver Revenge Porn Lawyer
Posting a private image for harassment can come with some particularly significant penalties. Sometimes these cases are defensible if a defendant contacts a Denver revenge porn lawyer early on. Evidence exists that needs to be carefully analyzed by an expert criminal defense lawyer. We have decades of combined experience representing clients throughout the state of Colorado and our results speak for themselves. Perhaps you've been falsely accused or the alleged victim consented to the posting of the image. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free consultation where we will hear your side of the story and suggest next steps in forming a strong defense on your behalf.
If you or someone you know is facing a revenge porn accusation, be smart. Contact the strategic defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pexels –
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