Usually, equality is something we all fight hard for. But, sometimes equality may not be the best idea. For instance, in Denver and Arapahoe County, sex offender probation is the same for every person convicted of a sex offense—the exact same. This occurs even though each person and every criminal case is unique. In today's blog, we'll discuss sex offender probation and why treating everyone the same isn't a great idea.
Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation in Adams County, Colorado
If someone is convicted of, pleads guilty, or enters a no contest plea to a sex crime, such as Internet Luring of a Child or Unlawful Sexual Contact, he or she may be sentenced to sex offender probation. While on probation, he or she must be supervised under Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation. The SOISP groups all offenders into one category. Under SOISP, a sex offender is monitored heavily.
Some of what an offender would experience under the SOISP are:
Frequent Meetings with a Probation Officer
Monitored Curfew
Drug and Alcohol Screening
Home and Employment Visitation
While out free on probation within the community, a sex offender frequently meets with their probation officer. An offender's daily activities are strictly monitored and in many cases this occurs for an indeterminate term of probation. In other words, a minimum time frame is given to an offender to spend under the sex offender probation, but a maximum time isn't specified. Though I think sex offender probation can help an offender, I don't agree with the “one-size-fits-all” idea under SOISP. SOISP is strict and its guidelines are designed to completely eliminate the risk of someone reoffending. However, it seems our fear of sex offenders keeps us from seeing them as human beings capable of changing.
Sex Offender Probation Should Not Be “One-Size-Fits-All”
Each person is unique and should be treated as an individual.
The problem with grouping every sex offender into one category is that it dismisses the fact that everyone is different. Every sex crime is different. People come from a variety of backgrounds, they think and feel differently about the world around them and they even respond to help in different ways. The bottom line is each person is unique and needs to be treated as an individual. They shouldn't be viewed identically just because what they have in common is committing a sex crime.
Why You Need the Best Denver Sex Crime Defense Lawyers
Being convicted of a sex crime in Denver or Douglas County can dramatically change your life. Sex crimes are treated harshly under the eyes of the law. Under SOISP, sex offenders are seen as people who can't change. That's why the treatment is so harsh. That's why the supervision is so high. That's why the amount of time under SOISP is indeterminate. As sex crimes defense lawyers in Denver, we don't believe all sex offenders are the same. This gives us an edge when defending our clients. Some of our clients who faced sex crime charges were found not guilty at trial or had their cases dismissed. We fight hard for our clients, no matter who they are.
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