Before you can deregister as a sex offender in Denver or Arapahoe County, you must first petition the court and get a Denver or Arapahoe County judge's permission to deregister. You cannot simply discontinue registering as a sex offender on your own. Discontinuing sex offender deregistration without court authorization will lead to charges of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, C.R.S. 18-3-412.5. Judges care about job security, so they will consider many aspects of a petition to deregister to see how granting the petition to deregister could impact their jobs. In today's blog, we'll look at a few things judges consider before granting sex offender deregistration in Colorado.
Sex Offender Deregistration – What Do Douglas County and Jefferson County Judges Look For Before Granting an Order?
There are a number of things Douglas County and Jefferson County judges look for before granting sex offender deregistration. Some of these things include:
Completion of SOMB sex offender treatment
It's important to judges that a person has been compliant in completing sex offender treatment before they are eligible for sex offender deregistration. Judges often fear that a person might reoffend after they grant sex offender deregistration, so completing sex offender treatment helps assure them that a person has a low risk of reoffending. Judges seldom let men and women deregister as a sex offender without them first completing sex offender treatment.
Support from community, individuals in the criminal case and treatment professionals
Getting support of the victim in a criminal case, the prosecuting District Attorney, the Parole / Probation Officer, and treatment professionals will help a person tremendously with sex offender deregistration. If a person gets approval of these individuals before filing a petition to deregister as a sex offender, it can positively impact a judge's decision. Judges cannot get to know every person personally who wants to deregister, so having positive input from these individuals makes a big difference.
How a sex offender is being negatively affected by sex offender registration
A judge will also consider how sex offender registration is negatively affecting the petitioner. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help demonstrate to a judge how sex offender registration may be hurting our client. It may be keeping them from finding a job or housing, or creating conflict with neighbors and family members. If sex offender registration is greatly hindering someone, judges are more likely to consider their petition to deregister as a sex offender.
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