In Denver, Adams County and every other county in Colorado, Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404, is most commonly charged when alleged sexual contact is inflicted upon another person, and that person did not give consent. Not only is Unlawful Sexual Contact an extraordinary risk crime, but it is also considered a crime of violence and requires sex offender registration and treatment. Now, let's say Domestic Violence charges, C.R.S. 18-6-800.3, are added to Unlawful Sexual Contact. Domestic Violence is charged whenever there's an act or threatened act of violence upon a person you are or have been in an intimate relationship with. When DV charges are added (to any offense) in Colorado, sentencing becomes harsher. You would be restricted from owning a firearm for the rest of your life, your children can be taken away from you, and you would be required to undergo DV treatment. Let's read an example of how someone might be charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact – DV in Colorado.
Lawyer in Arapahoe County for Domestic Violence: When DV Charges Are Added
A man goes to a bar one night in Arapahoe County. He sees an ex-girlfriend there (that he still has feelings for), so he goes to say hi. As the night progresses, they begin drinking, [pullquote align=”right” textalign=”right” width=”40%”]DV charges can be added to any sexual offense in Colorado.[/pullquote]dancing and grinding against each other. Before they leave the bar, the ex-boyfriend asks his ex if she'd like to spend more of the night with him, but she doesn't want to. He is drunk at this point, gets angry, and throws his beer to the ground, shattering his glass at the feet of his ex-girlfriend. Police are called to the bar and the man is arrested (did you know there's a mandatory arrest statute for Domestic Violence, C.R.S. 18-6-803.6?). Upon investigation, police learn the man used to be in a relationship with the ex-girlfriend and the ex later accuses him of touching her inappropriately without her consent. He is then charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact – DV.
Jefferson County Domestic Violence Unlawful Sexual Contact Charges Require a Lawyer
In Jefferson and Elbert County, Domestic Violence charges are not hard to file in situations involving someone you are or have been in an intimate relationship with. You can even be charged with DV after an act of violence upon someone you went on a couple dates with, or even held hands with. With so many risks involved, you should always involve an experienced criminal defense lawyer if facing charges of Unlawful Sexual Contact or Domestic Violence in Colorado. Our top criminal defense attorneys practice 100% criminal defense, which means we put all of our energy into developing the best possible defense to present before a judge and jury. Call our office today to set up a free initial consultation if you've been charged, arrested or accused. Don't trust your life to a part-time criminal defense lawyer.
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