In yet another case involving a cell phone camera and a dressing room, Lone Tree, Colorado police arrested a man for upskirting women in various dressing rooms at Park Meadows, Flat Irons and Cherry Creek Malls. The man was caught and arrested after one woman saw him recording her in the Forever 21 dressing rooms at Park Meadows mall. After police discovered 20 partially nude videos of women on the man's cell phone, the man faced multiple counts of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification. The man accepted a plea deal and awaits sentencing. Let's learn more about how this crime is charged in Douglas County and across Colorado.
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification Denver and Arapahoe County Lawyer | How is Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification Charged in Colorado?
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification, C.R.S. 18-3-405.6, charges occur in Denver and Arapahoe County whenever someone knowingly observes or takes a photograph of another person's intimate parts without that person's consent. The person observed or photographed would have to have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and the actor would have to be observing or photographing someone for their own sexual gratification. Because the man allegedly observed or photographed other people's intimate parts without their consent, he faced misdemeanor charges of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification. Prosecutors must also prove he observed or photographed the women in dressing rooms for the purpose of sexual gratification.
Intimate Parts Definition in Jefferson County, Colorado
To understand more fully how this crime is charged in Jefferson County, it's important to know what the definition of “intimate parts” is. “Intimate parts” in Colorado includes the external genitalia or the perineum or the anus or the buttocks or the pubes or the breast of any person. In the case of the man in the news story above, he likely faced charges of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification since partially nude images were found on his phone, likely including evidence of intimate parts.
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification Lawyer in Adams County | Defenses Against Risks of a Conviction
If convicted of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Adams County or anywhere else in Colorado, your future is on the line. Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification is either a class 1 misdemeanor extraordinary risk crime or a class 6 felony extraordinary risk crime in Colorado. It is also a sexual offense, requiring sex offender registration and treatment if convicted. Additionally, where you live, work or whether you can have contact with children will all be impacted. Don't fight any of these criminal charges alone or with an inexperienced public defender. Instead, call the best criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office today and protect your future.
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