Failure to register charges in Boulder, Colorado can make an already difficult situation that much worse. When a convicted sex offender forgets or chooses to not register with local law enforcement within their specified timeframe, significant consequences can result. Additionally, leaving certain information off the registration form or lying about the required items can lead to charges as well. It is essential that a RSO obtain skilled representation from an experienced defense attorney is facing allegations of failing to register.
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Law
Boulder County's failure to register as a sex offender law prohibits failing to complete registration or submitting inaccuracies and incomplete information. C.R.S. 18-3-412.5 addresses these violations in Boulder, Longmont, and Superior. While more obvious violations exist like not registering within 5 days of moving or choosing not register altogether, other specific parameters apply. Some sex offenders must register quarterly, while others are annual. Completing accurate registration includes completing the form in its entirety, providing accurate addresses, listing current and former full names, allowing a photograph and fingerprints, and supplying email addresses and instant-messaging identities. These requirements apply to Colorado residents as well as those moving here from another state.
Penalties for Failing to Register in Colorado
Failing to register as a sex offender in Boulder, Broomfield, or Westminster has substantial ramifications. This is an extraordinary risk crime, which enhances both the potential incarceration time and fine amounts. When someone's original sex offense was a misdemeanor, failure to register is a class 1 misdemeanor. Conviction can result in:
- up to 18 months in county jail,
- fines of $500 – $5,000
However, if your original sex crime was a felony, a class 6 felony applies for failing to register. This can result in up to 2 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections and thousands more in fines.
Colorado Failure to Register Attorney
Getting things back on track after a sex offense can be especially difficult in Colorado. We know the hurdles that many registered sex offenders face. Don't let a mistake or missed appointment on your calendar destroy the progress you've made up to this point. Perhaps you weren't able to comply due to uncontrollable circumstances or you did everything you could to meet the requirements. Nonetheless, contact our office for a free consultation. Our skilled defense attorneys will discuss your unique case with you, as well as recommend next steps in your defense. We offer affordable fees and flexible payment plans for those facing failure to register accusations throughout Colorado.
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