Sometimes, young people don't make the wisest decisions in Denver, Arapahoe, or Jefferson County. Take one college student I read about last week, for example. This young lady decided to film her own porn video. While this isn't illegal for a 19 year old, she is being charged with Public Indecency because she filmed the video in a public place – the college library. Let's take a look at this crime in order to see how it is charged in Colorado.
Girl Films Video in Public Place:
The College Library
According to the news, the young student filmed a porn video of herself in the college library. The video went viral on campus. This young woman was likely looking for fame, but she got some attention we're sure she wasn't seeking: a citation from the local police department. When viewing the video, other students recognized their school's library. They aren't sure how she managed to film the entire video in private, because the library is a busy place.
What is Public Indecency?
Public Indecency – C.R.S. 18-7-301, is charged in a variety of situations. Here are a few common situations in which it is charged:
- Public urination
- Sex in public
- A couple lewdly fondling or caressing each other in public
- Streaking, flashing, or mooning
In other words, if a person lewdly exposes a part of the body (but not the genitals) in public, they will likely be charged with Public Indecency in places like Baca and Prowers County.
Why Was the Student Charged with Public Indecency?
The young college student who filmed the video was charged with Public Indecency because she “exposes an intimate part of the body…with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person,” in a public place. While no one caught her in the act, the young woman uploaded her video online, which proved she exposed herself in a public place.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Public Indecency Charges
Two convictions of this offense in a certain amount of time results in the requirement to register as a sex offender and go through treatment.
If you or a loved one is facing Public Indecency charges in Adams, El Paso, or Douglas County, it is wise to contact a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer immediately, so you can understand your situation. While Public Indecency is only a petty offense (in some situations it is a class 1 misdemeanor), it is important to understand that two convictions within a certain amount of time lead to the requirement to register as a sex offender and undergo sex offender treatment. In other words, if the young college student who filmed the video lived in Colorado, and received two convictions (let's say she filmed another video), she would be a registered sex offender. It seems ridiculous that a person like her could be considered a sex offender, and it is ridiculous. The laws in Colorado are extremely broad, which is why it is wise to fight the charges against you. Don't be bullied by the District Attorney and plead guilty – instead, contact an aggressive sex crimes defense lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office who fights to win.
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