Denver Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer – Douglas County Criminal Defense Attorney

Denver Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer: CRS 18-6-403

Sexual exploitation of a child, C.R.S. 18-6-403, charges occur under many circumstances in Denver, Douglas County, Adams County, Jefferson County, Arapahoe County and across Colorado. You should always involve an experienced Denver sexual exploitation of a child lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group if facing sexual exploitation of a child charges. Sexual exploitation of a child is committed when someone is in possession of:

  • underage pornography,
  • or other sexually explicit materials that include children under eighteen

Sexual exploitation of a child also occurs if a person:

  • prepares pornography or other sexually explicit materials that include children under eighteen,
  • entices children to be a part of such material,
  • or distributes and tries to sell child pornography

Douglas County Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer: What is the Sentence for Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Colorado?

In Douglas County, the charges for sexual exploitation of a child vary from a Class 5 to Class 3 felony. You could face:

Sexual exploitation of a child (CRS 18-6-403) is a sex offense in Colorado and requires the person convicted to register as a sex offender and obey harsh sex offender treatment rules of the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB).

Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Arapahoe County: The Dangers of Sexting and Sexual Exploitation of a Child

Juvenile girls and boys in Colorado that “sext” with their smartphones can also be charged with sexual exploitation of a child in Arapahoe, Douglas, and Denver County. An underage girl sexting a picture of herself to her boyfriend can be considered distributing child pornography and the boy receiving it would technically be in possession of child pornography. Middle school and high school students that send and receive nude pictures don't think of the legal consequences that could come from those actions.

Why You Need a Denver Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer if Facing Charges

Sexual exploitation of a child is the most complicated of all sex crimes involving the internet, including Internet Luring of a ChildEnticement of a Child, and Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child. This complication arises from the lengthy definition of terms. An experienced sexual exploitation of a child criminal defense attorney is needed to distinguish these terms. This charge is often referred to as possession of child pornography because it involves children in sexually explicit content who are photographed.

Our Colorado criminal lawyers located in Denver, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe, or Douglas County area are experienced in fighting charges resulting from sex crimes and are your most important asset.

Don't talk to police about sexual exploitation allegations - talk to us. 303-830-0880

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