Sexual Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-402, is a serious offense in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County. If you are convicted of this sex offense, your life could be ruined. You could go to prison for the rest of your life, undergo harsh sex offender treatment, and be a registered sex offender when you are released. These consequences should only be dealt out in serious situations. Yet, words like “rape” and “assault” are thrown around by many people in our culture. Sex Assault is not always black and white. One of these “gray” situations recently arose in an “Other Peoples' Problems” (OPP) discussion on the popular Denver-area radio show “Slacker and Steve.”
The OPP (On Slacker and Steve) Scenario:
Slacker and Steve received an email from a woman named Candy. Candy's friend told her she had gone to a bar with her boyfriend and gotten drunk. The next morning, she woke up with no remembrance of the night before. She knows they slept together, but she doesn't remember saying yes. Candy thinks this is rape and wants to call the police. During the call, all kinds of allegations and assumptions were made about the man's behavior, but he was never able to tell his side of the story. As experienced sexual assault defense attorneys, we work with men in situations like this all the time. After a night out drinking, a couple becomes too intoxicated to make good decisions and they sleep together. This is always a bad idea for men. If the woman wakes up the next morning and doesn't remember saying “yes”, or feels guilty, she can allege that he raped her. What if the man doesn't remember saying “yes”? In these kinds of situations, it can be difficult for the man to defend himself. Many women feel if she doesn't remember saying yes – then it was rape. This is a ridiculous assumption. When people are drunk, sexual situations escalate quickly, and there is rarely a “yes” or “no” exchanged. Women need to realize the serious, life-changing consequences of rape allegations and only go to the police if they were actual victims, and not if they “aren't sure” if they said yes.
Why You Need an Experienced Sexual Assault Defense Attorney
Men need to be extremely careful when they go out on the weekends in Larimer, Arapahoe, and Douglas County. When you're at a club drinking and dancing, and a girl seems like she wants to go home with you, you need to stop and think. Is she intoxicated? Am I willing to entrust my life to her even though I don't know her very well? She may seem like a willing participant. She may even “say yes.” But, when she wakes up in the morning, if she doesn't remember the night before, or if she feels guilty about her actions, she can go to the police and say it was rape. If this happens to you, it is vital for your future that you contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. We will work tirelessly on your behalf to prove your innocence and keep you out of prison. Don't stand alone in front of a judge or jury. In most cases, they will side with the alleged “victim.” As experienced sexual assault defense lawyers, we know what is needed in order to get you the justice you deserve.
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