Our office manager just completed jury service duty last week. She served on a civil case that related to a car accident. I spoke with her about her experience afterwards. The plaintiff in the case had been hurt in a car accident, and she was asking for money towards her recovery. The jurors couldn't help but notice (and commented to each other) that the woman walked with a pronounced limp in the courtroom. She seemed to be in great pain and had a hard time getting around. But, outside the courtroom – during breaks, she seemed to walk much better. The jury decided that she was over-exaggerating and emphasizing her injuries when she knew the jury was watching.
Be Careful How You Act in Court
As criminal defense attorneys in Denver, Douglas and Jefferson County, we often see similar situations when we work on cases like Sexual Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-402 and Indecent Exposure – C.R.S. 18-7-302. The jury is always watching. During a case against Unlawful Sexual Contact – C.R.S. 18-3-404 allegations, I asked the wife of my client to make sure that she sat in the front row in the courtroom. During breaks, my client would speak with his wife, and she would hug him. They were obviously in support of each other. The verdict in the case was “not guilty.” After the trial, I spoke with the jurors, and an older woman told me she knew that my client didn't do it, because he has such a pretty wife who was there in support of him. The jurors believed that if the man had such an attractive, compassionate wife at home, he wasn't likely to sexually touch two (less-attractive) female coworkers.
My Advice to Clients Before a Jury Trial
I always offer the same advice to my clients before we begin a jury trial in Denver, Broomfield, or Larimer County: “The jury is always watching you.” Be careful when you go near the courthouse. Be careful how you drive. Think about how you are acting as you go through security at court. Realize you could be riding up the elevator with a juror. Jurors don't have flashing “I'm a juror!” signs above their heads, so be careful how you act outside of the courtroom, during breaks or before the trial. They're just normal people who are there to pass judgment on you. Don't give them a bad impression and don't offend them – they are the decision-makers in your case. If you cut someone off getting out of the elevator, yell in frustration at your wife over the phone, or are rude to a security guard – they'll see your conduct and it will affect their opinion of you.
Request a Free ConsultationIf you or a loved one has been arrested by Aurora, Highlands Ranch or Littleton police for a sex crime, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.
Helpful Resources:
Image Courtesy of suphakit73 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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