The Stigma of Juvenile Sexual Assault Charges in Denver
Our legislature has lost their mind. Do they not understand how society views a boy or girl later turned adult, who has a sex offense on their record in Larimer or Weld County? No one wants to hire that person or give them an apartment to rent. Sexual offenses have a terrible stigma which the legislature ignores. And this law is broad: “unlawful sexual behavior” includes misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact, and non-touching Indecent Exposure, Public Indecency and Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification. These crimes don't require a minor child victim. Imagine the boy who thinks streaking would be fun to try. Or the girl who is peeping into the bathroom of a neighbor? Both would be hamstrung for life under this thoughtless expungement law.
Let's give our children a chance Coloradoans! Why require a child to carry a lifetime of regret for a sex based crime occurring when they are young and don't understand boundaries or sexuality. Youth are expected to make mistakes. Hopefully, with laws that make sense, they can be educated on proper behavior and given a chance to make it in their adult years without a millstone around their neck.
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