Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor, C.R.S. 18-7-102(1.5)(a), is charged in Douglas and Adams County, Colorado whenever:
“A person, knowing its content and character, wholesale promotes to a minor or possesses with intent to wholesale promote to a minor any obscene material.”
This offense can be committed by both juveniles and adults in Colorado. When a juvenile commits Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor in Colorado, they can still be charged as an adult because this sexual offense is a class 6 felony. The process of charging juveniles and teens as adults in Colorado is known as Direct Filing. For the purposes of this statute, a minor includes anyone under the age of 18.
Definition of Wholesale Promote in Arapahoe County, Colorado
In Glendale, Arapahoe County and everywhere else in Colorado, when someone “wholesale promotes” any obscene material to a minor, it means they manufacture, issue, sell, provide, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, or offer or agree to do the same for purpose of resale.
Obscene Material and Examples of Juvenile Wholesale Promotion to a Minor in Jefferson County
Obscene material can include anything from sexual intercourse, sodomy, sexual bestiality, or representations or descriptions of masturbation, sadism or masochism. An example of a juvenile sharing obscene material with a minor in Jefferson and El Paso County might be if the juvenile sells a video of his 16-year-old girlfriend performing a sex act. Another example might be if he shares pictures with his friends of girls between the ages of 14 and 16 years of age displaying a lewd exhibition of their genitals. Similar offenses a juvenile can be charged with for sharing obscene material include Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity, C.R.S. 18-7-102(1)(a), Promotion of Obscenity, C.R.S. 18-7-102(2)(a), or Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor, C.R.S. 18-7-102(2.5)(a).
Has Your Child Been Charged with Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor?
If your child or teenager has been charged or accused of Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor in Denver, Englewood, Aurora or anywhere else in Colorado, involve a juvenile lawyer immediately. An accusation of this sexual offense can lead to devastating and debilitating consequences for your juvenile. You need an exceptional legal advocate to work hard to protect your child's future and freedom.
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