Colorado Sex Crime Attorney Blog

Sex Offender Treatment or Jail in Denver?

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Sep 03, 2013 | 0 Comments

The goal of our justice system is to mete out justice and keep our communities safe. But, we can't just put everyone who commits a crime into jail. That is why probation has been put into place. A huge part of probation is treatment, whether it is a sex or non-sex case in Denver, Adams or Douglas County. If you abuse drugs, you'll get drug treatment. If you're an alcoholic, you'll get alcoholic treatment, and those who are involved in a domestic violence case will go through DV treatment. If you are a sex offender, you will have to go through sex offender treatment.

What's Wrong with Sex Offender Treatment?

In most cases where treatment is an option over jail or prison, defendants will choose treatment. Jail time is held over their heads, so completing treatment is assured. This is not true with sex offender treatment, however.  Increasing numbers of offenders are choosing jail time in Jefferson, Broomfield and Arapahoe County instead of probation and sex offender treatment. Why is this happening? Here is a glimpse into the life of someone who is going through sex offender treatment:

Life for a Person in Sex Offender Treatment

After conviction, the Sex Offender Management Board invades your life. You will be forced to have no contact with your own children – you won't be able to even speak with them. You may have to sell your home, because it is too close to a school, or a rec center. You may have to quit your job because you work with or in close proximity to children. You could be forced to not have any contact with your wife. These are all realities for a person who is undergoing sex offender treatment.

Sex Offender Management Board's Treatment is Unsafe for Our Community

As a result of the daunting realities of sex offender treatment, many sex offenders are choosing prison instead. They serve their time, and then are released – untreated. This is a much more real danger. Here at the O'Malley Law Office, we place the blame squarely with the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). Their philosophy is that all sex offenders (regardless of the crime they committed) are incurable and dangerous people with “behavioral disorders.” The SOMB is running wild with unchecked power. Their “one-size-fits-all” philosophy makes it impossible for good people to put their crimes in the past, get treated, and live their lives in Denver, Aurora or Littleton.

We need a sex offender treatment program that actually rehabilitates offenders – a system that differentiates between a serial rapist and a man who has consensual sex with his young girlfriend. We desperately need to treat a person charged with Felony Sexual Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-402 differently than a person charged with Indecent Exposure – C.R.S. 18-7-302; they simply aren't comparable crimes.

Request a Free Consultation

If you have been accused of a sex offense in Weld, Morgan or Boulder County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced sex offender criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Courtesy of meepoohfoto /

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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