Colorado Sex Crime Attorney Blog

Sexual Assault on Campus: What to Do if You’ve Been Charged in Denver

Posted by Kyle B. Sawyer | Jun 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

A man was charged for a sexual assault on campus in Colorado. Read more in our blog.
Sexual Assault – C.R.S. 18-3-402, is a sex offense with serious consequences in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County. The consequences are incredibly harsh – with the possibility of life in prison, invasive sex offender treatment, and sex offender registration. While this may seem justified in many cases, it's important to understand just how easy it is to be charged. All it takes is an accusation – which may be one reason accusations of Sexual Assault on college campuses across Colorado are becoming more and more common. Let's look closer at a recent case and use it to learn more about how easy it is to be charged.

El Paso County College Student Arrested for Sexual Assault on Campus

According to news reports, a Colorado College student was arrested after allegedly sexually assaulting a female student. As in many cases of Sexual Assault on campuses like UNC, CSU, and CU, the man who has been charged was acquainted with the alleged victim. He was charged with class 4 felony Sexual Assault in a situation where the alleged victim is “incapable of appraising the nature” of the conduct. Sexual Assault is subject to indeterminate sentencing, which means the student will face 2 years to life in prison if convicted. His release will depend on his completion of sex offender treatment. Unfortunately, the Department of Corrections has a shortage of treatment providers –this young man could be looking at many years in prison. The problem with this sentence lies in the fact that an accusation is all that is needed for this young man to spend years in prison. No physical evidence is required.

False Accusations Destroy Lives

All it takes for a conviction of Sexual Assault is for one accusation. We have defended many clients charged with Sexual Assault who were falsely accused. If a woman makes the decision to sleep with someone, and then regrets her decision the next day – she can call the police. If she drinks too much, and doesn't remember saying “yes,” she can call the police (no thought is given to how intoxicated the man was in the situation). False accusations send innocent men to prison. They also take up the time and resources of law enforcement agencies which could be helping true victims of rape and Sexual Assault. We don't know the circumstances of this specific Sexual Assault on campus at CC in Colorado Springs, but we know our laws and how unjust they are. District Attorneys and judges in Arapahoe, Larimer, and Douglas County are far too quick to file charges – even when there is no evidence other than an accusation.

[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”40%”]All it takes to be charged with Sexual Assault is an accusation.[/pullquote]

Accused of Sexual Assault on Campus? Why You Need Lawyer

If you are a college student at Denver University, Metro State, or the University of Colorado (Boulder) and have been accused of Sexual Assault after what you thought was a consensual encounter, don't hesitate to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. District Attorneys, judges, and juries are biased towards “victims.” They are afraid of going against the grain and making a decision which will make them unpopular. This is why you need an experienced criminal defense attorney in the courtroom to defend your future and tell your side of the story. Don't stand alone in court – have an advocate present to fight for you.

Request a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has been charged with Sexual Assault on a college campus, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.

Image courtesy of criminalatt /

About the Author

Kyle B. Sawyer

I have a passion for defending others in criminal cases. I am able to empathize with my clients and understand their emotions and fears. I have a unique perspective on the criminal justice system and I understand what it feels like to be wrongly accused of a crime.


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