Our Denver and Adams County, Colorado prostitution attorneys have seen many men and women charged or arrested for prostitution-related crimes such as Soliciting for Prostitution (C.R.S. 18-7-202) after a police sting operation. In many cases, people charged in a prostitution sting were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, or have been victims of Entrapment. Let's keep reading to learn more about Soliciting for Prostitution and the defense of Entrapment in Colorado.
Lawyer for Soliciting for Prostitution in Arapahoe County: Soliciting for Prostitution Defined
Soliciting for Prostitution is charged in Denver, Arapahoe County and across Colorado whenever someone solicits another for the purpose of prostitution, arranges or offers to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution, or directs someone somewhere where prostitution is taking place. Soliciting for Prostitution is a class 3 misdemeanor in Denver and across Colorado, which could result in up to a 6 months Arapahoe County jail sentence and up to $750 in fines.
How Entrapment Occurs in Castle Rock Solicitation of a Prostitute Cases
According to C.R.S. 18-1-709, Entrapment occurs in Castle Rock, Douglas County and across Colorado whenever the defendant engages in conduct (such as arranging to meet someone for prostitution purposes) because they:
- Were induced to by police or by someone else acting under the direction of police, when police are trying to gather evidence for prosecution; and
- Would not have committed the offense if it weren't for the inducement of police.
If you have been accused of Soliciting for Prostitution in Douglas County or anywhere else in Colorado, contact our Soliciting for Prostitution attorneys immediately.
The Entrapment Defense is an Affirmative Defense in Jefferson Colorado: Contact a Soliciting for Prostitution Attorney
Prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were not entrapped into committing Soliciting for Prostitution.
Entrapment is considered an affirmative defense in Jefferson County, which means a Jefferson County prosecutor (after the affirmative defense is raised) would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were not entrapped into committing Soliciting for Prostitution. If this occurs, you would have to admit you committed the offense of Solicitation of a Prostitute, but that you were enticed to commit the offense. If police merely afforded the opportunity to commit the offense, however, it is not Entrapment. The law on Entrapment can be complex. You need an experienced Soliciting for Prostitution attorney on your side if you've been charged or accused of this harsh sexual offense anywhere in Colorado. Call our office today to speak with one of our knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers about your case and protect your future.
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