According to the news, an employee at the Weld County Clerk and Recorder's Office was arrested after an incident involving a woman who walked into the building. Apparently, the employee is being accused of allegedly inappropriately touching the female. The man is now facing charges of Unlawful Sexual Contact and is being held in the Weld County Jail. If you are facing charges of Unlawful Sexual Contact in Denver or Weld County, contact the O'Malley Law Office right away.
Unlawful Sexual Contact in Douglas County | What is Unlawful Sexual Contact?
The definition of Unlawful Sexual Contact, located at C.R.S. 18-3-404, in Douglas County is:
“(1) Any actor who knowingly subjects a victim to any sexual contact commits unlawful sexual contact if:
(a) The actor knows that the victim does not consent; or
(b) The actor knows that the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of the victim's conduct; or
(c) The victim is physically helpless and the actor knows that the victim is physically helpless and the victim has not consented; or
(d) The actor has substantially impaired the victim's power to appraise or control the victim's conduct by employing, without the victim's consent, any drug, intoxicant, or other means for the purpose of causing submission; or
(e) Repealed.
(f) The victim is in custody of law or detained in a hospital or other institution and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the victim and uses this position of authority, unless incident to a lawful search, to coerce the victim to submit; or
(g) The actor engages in treatment or examination of a victim for other than bona fide medical purposes or in a manner substantially inconsistent with reasonable medical practices.”
Since the male employee is being accused of subjecting a victim to sexual contact without her consent, it would be considered Unlawful Sexual Contact. However, prosecutors must prove that he subjected her to sexual contact to be convicted of this charge. Sometimes, this is easy, since many well intentioned people believe a woman would never make up such a story.
Sexual Contact Definition in Arapahoe County and Adams County, Colorado
In Arapahoe and Adams County, the definition of sexual contact includes:
“The knowing touching of the victim's intimate parts by the actor, or of the actor's intimate parts by the victim, or the knowing touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the victim's or actor's intimate parts if that sexual contact is for the purposes of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse.”
Prosecutors must prove the man touched the woman's intimate parts, or the clothing covering her intimate parts, for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification or abuse to be convicted of Unlawful Sexual Contact in Colorado.
Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer in Jefferson County | Call Today
If you or a loved one is facing charges of Unlawful Sexual Contact in Jefferson County, call the O'Malley Law Office right away. Unlawful Sexual Contact is normally a class 1 misdemeanor extraordinary risk crime, but can also be a class 4 felony under more extreme circumstances. Not only do you risk facing jail or prison time upon a conviction of Unlawful Sexual Contact, but you also risk having to register as a sex offender and complete sex offender treatment. Don't wait if facing Unlawful Sexual Contact charges in Jefferson County. Involve a criminal defense lawyer from the O'Malley Law Office to defend you against these criminal charges today.
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