Image Credit: Pixabay – geralt
The next generation of Americans is full of people who are trained to be victims. If you watch TV at all these days, you know that being a victim is glamorized everywhere; in TV shows, in the movies, and in music. The media thrives on immorality and sensationalism. Suddenly, cheating on your spouse, lying to your parents, and sleeping around is acceptable, as long as it's “right for you.” Unfortunately, this mentality has snuck into the courtroom, where victims are glamorized and treated like royalty. This is especially true in sex offense cases in Denver, Arapahoe, and Jefferson County. Let's take a look at how the victimized mentality effects sex crime cases.
It's Easy to Be a Victim in Colorado Criminal Cases
Our culture idolizes the victimized mentality. It's easy to be a victim of life – it is human nature. People want to be coddled and feel important. Often, false accusations are made simply as a way to get attention. Unfortunately, our criminal justice system is built on catering to victims without questioning whether or not their story is true. This is especially true when it comes to Unlawful Sexual Contact and Sexual Assault cases, where no evidence is needed for charges or a conviction. Once a victim decides to make a report, the rest is taken care of: Victim's Advocates and DAs often help them fill out the accusations in police reports, and tell them what to say in the courtroom.
The Government Focuses on the Alleged Victim
The government should be neutral in criminal cases. After all, a person is supposed to be considered innocent until they can be proven guilty. Instead of focusing on justice, the government hires people to coddle and cater to alleged victims, so they will not change their story. These people are called Victim's Advocates. Victim's Advocates are assigned to alleged victims in criminal cases, where their purpose in life is to make sure the alleged victim's every whim is met. Victim's Advocates educate alleged victims about how to act in the courtroom (training them how to be a good victim), provide snacks before court, and make being a victim glamorous by appealing to their victimized mentality.
Focusing on the Alleged Victim Creates an Unfair System
The DA presents a tear-inducing victim in the courtroom, gaining the sympathy of jurors through emotion. This disguises their lack of evidence.
District Attorneys and Victim's Advocates focus on creating better victims, because it will advance their careers. Prosecutors who create and present a tear-inducing victim in the courtroom will get the sympathy of the jury through emotion – even if there are no facts to support the case. This is especially true when it comes to sex crime cases in Adams, El Paso, and Douglas County. In most sex offense cases, the alleged victim is a young woman or a small child, which makes prosecutors and Victim's Advocates jobs much easier. The lengths Victim's Advocates go to create better victims is appalling. We have heard from wives who were told by Victim's Advocates and social services to divorce their husbands – threatening to take away their children if they don't take their suggestion. Defendants are demonized in criminal cases – restraining orders are put into effect which keeps them from living freely, and they aren't allowed to have contact with children (even their own). Defendants quickly lose heart when prosecutors and Victim's Advocates focus solely on the victim, instead of justice. This is all part of the DA “win at all cost” strategy.
Victimized Mentality is Prevalent, Which is Why You Need a Lawyer
The victimized mentality is prevalent in our culture. If you have been charged with a crime in Colorado, I guarantee you will come face to face with this phenomenon in the courtroom. As a defendant in a criminal case, it will be difficult to break through this mentality. This is why you need to work with an aggressive criminal defense lawyer, who will be your advocate in the courtroom and allow your voice to be heard. Otherwise, an untrustworthy person making a false accusation will be believed, and a story will grow about your crimes. You need an attorney with experience to see what is happening and protect your future by showing the lack of evidence to the jury, and demanding justice with a not-guilty verdict. Don't stand alone; work with an attorney from the O'Malley Law Office who fights to win.
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