Sex offender registration laws in Denver are much too harsh. If the law targeted violent men and women who were violent convicted rapists and serious child abusers, we would be less concerned. The Colorado Sex Offender Registration and Deregistration laws are universal, however. And, they do not take into consideration the different levels of severity of crime.
What is the Purpose of Denver Sex Offender Registration Laws?
The purpose of sex offender law is simple: Our government should allow a person to have a fair trial, serve their sentence, and then move back into society having learned their lesson. But, our current legislature is trying to appear productive by creating laws and rules that are much too strict (for example, Failure to Register). This is in an effort to prove their worthiness of reelection, and not community safety.
Denver Sex Offender Registration Laws: Too Broad
The government in Jefferson, Douglas, and Adams County has laws governing minute portions of people's lives. For example, Denver sex offender registration and deregistration laws require registration of vehicles, home and work addresses. They even require chat names and email addresses. Each of these requirements exists for every sex offender, regardless of their crime. How does such universal treatment keep anyone safe? Such laws do not take into account personal elements, such as whether the offense involved a woman the person knew for years, or whether or not the internet or a car was involved. Instead, universal laws create an impossible environment in which to live.
Denver Sex Offender Registration Law: Unfair Hidden Costs
Imagine for a moment that you had to pay a fee and go through a lengthy registration process every time you changed your email address. Would that be a huge stress when your boss switched the email accounts at work? The huge costs involved whenever a person buys a new car or switches email addresses are not only monetary. Time is lost as well. A person will have a hard time keeping their job if they are constantly required to leave work and pay fees for a registration processes covering the tiny details of their life.
Are Special Interest Groups Creating the Laws?
In their desire for reelection, legislators are courting special interests groups, and not working for justice. We firmly believe that dangerous, disturbed people should be strictly monitored in Broomfield, Arapahoe and Denver County. But, these strict laws should not be applied to a man who slapped a woman's butt in the bar after a few beers. It is overkill to treat such a man as a dangerous sex offender. Less government is better government.
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