According to the news, a woman was arrested after running naked through a Waffle House. She allegedly stripped off her clothes, hit another woman and threw platters of food at customers. She even scratched an officer when he tried arresting her. She faces multiple charges, one of which is Public Indecency.
Definition of Public Indecency in Douglas County, Colorado
In Douglas County, Costilla County and every other county of Colorado, Public Indecency, C.R.S. 18-7-301, is charged whenever a person performs any of the following in public, when the conduct may be viewed by others:
- An act of sexual intercourse;
- A lewd exposure of an intimate part of the body (not including the genitals) to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of any person;
- A lewd fondling or caress of the body of another person;
- A knowing exposure of the person's genitals to the view of a person under circumstances where the conduct likely causes affront or alarm to the other person.
Because the woman allegedly stripped naked and ran through the Waffle House restaurant, it would be considered Public Indecency. She exposed her genitals to the view of others, which likely caused alarm. Public Indecency is a class 1 petty offense in Douglas and Arapahoe County, but it is a class 1 misdemeanor for a second or subsequent act of exposing your genitals to others in public.
A Public Indecency Conviction in Jefferson County Can Harm You: Hire an Attorney to Defend You
A Public Indecency conviction in Jefferson, Adams County and across Colorado can be harmful to your future. In addition to possible jail time, it can limit your chances of finding a job, keeping a job and in some cases even finding housing. That's because Public Indecency requires sex offender registration annually, if a second offense of [pullquote align=”right” textalign=”right” width=”67%”]A Public Indecency conviction can lead to drastic consequences. You need an attorney to defend you.[/pullquote]Public Indecency is committed within five years of the previous offense, or a third or subsequent offense is committed. Because there is so much at stake for your future, you should always involve an experienced criminal defense lawyer in your case. Our attorneys have over 40 years of combined courtroom experience, they know how Colorado prosecutors think, and they work hard to develop the best possible defense in your criminal case. Call today to set up a free initial consultation and protect your future.
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