Image Credit: Pixabay – Giuliamar
In Arapahoe, Denver, and Jefferson County, and across the country, a new law has gone into effect. This crime, Posting Images for Harassment, is nicknamed the “revenge porn” law. It is charged when a person posts nude and explicit images of another person, without their consent. This crime is largely portrayed as a crime committed by men against women. But, this isn't always the case. Let's take a look at a few recent cases where women were charged with this offense.
Women Charged with Revenge Porn Offense
In another state, a woman was charged with Posting an Image for Harassment. According to reports, the woman was arguing with a former boyfriend, and decided to get revenge on him. She stole an explicit picture from his cellphone of his current girlfriend, and posted it on Facebook. She included a caption, saying “not to mess with her.” Months later, another out-of-state woman posted nude photos of her new boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in Instagram and Twitter. As you can see, these instances of women committing the crime of Posting Images for Harassment are targeting other women, not men. Usually, they are trying to get revenge on the man by humiliating his new girlfriend, or humiliating an old girlfriend in order to garner attention.
Women Tend to Attack Each Other
Women's tendency to attack other women is made apparent by the existence of websites such as This website exists for wives and girlfriends to post photos and contact information of women with whom their significant others have cheated. This is done to “expose” them and make them pay. These kinds of postings don't go against the Posting Images for Harassment law because the images aren't usually explicit and/or nude.
Charged with a Crime after Posting a Nude Photo? You Need a Lawyer
If you posted a nude or explicit photo of another person, without their permission, you need to contact a hardworking criminal defense lawyer immediately. The revenge porn law is new, and District Attorneys and judges aren't looking to be lenient in Adams, Douglas, or Pueblo County. Even though this is only a misdemeanor offense, you need to take action and fight the charges against you. It can be difficult to find a place to live or get a job with a criminal record of any kind. Don't stand alone in front of a judge and try to make your case. Work with a skilled lawyer who will fight to get the charges against you dismissed, or work out a seal-able plea deal.
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