Having pornographic images or videos of minors under 18 is a serious crime in Arapahoe County. Questionable material found on one of your electronic devices can lead to especially costly criminal penalties. Furthermore, acts of sending child pornography to others or taking part in making the materials can lead to even more severe ramifications. Device users should be extra careful when it comes to what they view, pictures / videos they send, and who they send these items to. Suspicious activity on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop can end with police at your door with a warrant for your devices. If this happens, remain silent and consult an experienced child pornography attorney as soon as possible.
Aurora Child Pornography Laws
Aurora's child pornography laws prohibit possession, distribution, and creation of sexually explicit images and videos of juveniles. CRS 18-6-403 defines the specific violations of sexual exploitation of a child in Colorado. You commit this sex offense in Aurora, Centennial, or Littleton if you:
- possess explicit material showing a minor under 18 participating in sexual acts,
- or contribute to distributing or creating these materials in some way
The images / video must contain erotic fondling, nudity, intercourse, oral / anal sex, masturbation, or arousal to be considered sexually explicit. Additionally, the materials must exist for the purpose of someone's sexual gratification.
Consequences of a Child Pornography Conviction in Colorado
Sexual exploitation of a child is at minimum a class 5 felony in the state of Colorado. This applies when someone has a small amount of still images and it is their first child porn offense. Conviction can result in up to 3 years in DOC and a minimum fine of $1,000. However, a second sexual exploitation crime or possession of 20+ images or any video is a class 4 felony, possibly resulting in:
- 2 – 6 years in DOC,
- fines of $2K – $500K
Distributing or creating child pornography is even more serious. As a class 3 felony, defendants can face over a decade in prison and six-figure fines. Additionally, any conviction of sexual exploitation of a child requires sex offender registration.
Colorado Sexual Exploitation Attorney
Securing an experienced child pornography attorney early on is essential when facing an allegation of sexual exploitation of a child. Perhaps you didn't know you were in possession of the material, someone borrowed your device and downloaded the images, or the items weren't for the purpose of sexual gratification. That said, contact our law office today for a free consultation. Our strategic sex crimes attorneys know how to navigate a charge of sexual exploitation of a minor and often achieve favorable outcomes for our clients. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make skilled representation a reality in these uncertain times.
Don't talk to police about child pornography charges - talk to us. 303-830-0880.
Photo by Mirza Mustofa
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