In Colorado and across the United States, there are many situations where men and women are accused of creating child nude images, and sharing the sexually explicit material in some way. According to one recent news story, a couple was accused of taking sexually explicit photos of a 10-year-old girl and posting the images online. The couple allegedly created images of the girl, which depicted the child's genitals and the child engaging in sexually explicit conduct. The couple was also accused of posting the images on the Internet. In Denver, the couple would face charges of Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-6-403.
Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Douglas and Jefferson County | Sexual Exploitation of a Child Charges in Colorado
Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-6-403, charges occur under many different circumstances in Douglas and Jefferson County. As it pertains to the news story, however, the couple would likely face charges of Sexual Exploitation of a Child for “causing, inducing, enticing, or permitting a child to engage in, or be used for, any explicit sexual conduct for the making of any sexually exploitative material.” “Explicit sexual conduct” includes sexual intercourse, erotic fondling, erotic nudity, masturbation, sadomasochism, or sexual excitement. Additionally, the couple could face charges of Sexual Exploitation of a Child for distributing the sexually exploitative material online.
Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer in Adams County | It is Not Difficult to Obtain a Conviction
When any evidence is found on a computer, flash drive, cell phone or other device of child pornography or sexually exploitative material in Adams County, little effort is made to confirm that the defendant knew about it. An allegation that the defendant possessed child pornography can often be enough to convince a juror that the defendant is guilty in court. Or, if police find evidence (even when the defendant is unaware of the evidence) of sexually explicit material, a juror assumes he is guilty. For this reason, it is often not difficult to obtain a conviction of Sexual Exploitation of a Child. Remember, though, that mere nude images of a child are constitutionally protected speech. Images must contain sexual conduct of some type for a conviction of Sexual Exploitation.
Arapahoe County Lawyer for Sexual Exploitation of a Child: Call Our Sex Crime Lawyers Today
A conviction of Sexual Exploitation of a Child can come with many devastating consequences for the defendant in Arapahoe County. The defendant could face an indeterminate prison sentence, polygraph testing, sex offender registration and treatment, and in many cases lose their job. The government often has no compassion for those accused of sexual offenses involving kids, even when the accused is innocent or falsely accused. If you or a loved one is facing charges of Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Colorado, be smart and contact a Denver lawyer for Sexual Exploitation of a Child at the O'Malley Law Office immediately. Your future is worth protecting.
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