In Denver, Arapahoe and Douglas County, there are various adult prostitution crimes that a person could be charged with, including:
- Prostitution – C.R.S. 18-7-201;
- Soliciting for Prostitution – C.R.S. 18-7-202;
- Pandering – C.R.S. 18-7-203;
- Keeping a Place of Prostitution – C.R.S. 18-7-204;
- Patronizing a Prostitute – C.R.S. 18-7-205;
- Pimping – C.R.S. 18-7-206; and
- Prostitute Making Display – C.R.S. 18-7-207
Adams County Prostitution and Prostitute Making Display Lawyer
There are two crimes that a person offering sex for money can be charged with in Adams and Jefferson County: Prostitution and Prostitute Making Display. Prostitution is a class 3 misdemeanor and is charged when a person performs a sex act or agrees to perform a sex act on another for money. Prostitute Making Display is charged when a person gestures or does something to further the practice of prostitution and is charged as a class 1 petty offense.
Arapahoe County Soliciting for Prostitution and Patronizing a Prostitute Attorney
In Douglas and Arapahoe County, the following crimes are related to trying to pay a prostitute for sex: Soliciting for Prostitution and Patronizing a Prostitute. Patronizing a Prostitute is a class 1 misdemeanor in Castle Rock and is charged when a person engages in sex with a prostitute or enters a place of prostitution with the intent of engaging in sex. Soliciting for Prostitution is a class 3 misdemeanor in Aurora and is charged when a person offers another money for sex or arranges a meeting for the purpose of prostitution.
Douglas County Pimping Lawyer: The Most Serious Prostitution Crime
Pimping is one of the prostitution crimes that is charged as a felony. When a person makes money through the prostitution of another, it is charged as Pimping, which is a class 3 felony in Douglas County.
Pandering and Keeping a Place of Prostitution in Denver
The last two prostitution crimes in Denver are Pandering and Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Pandering is charged as a class 5 felony if for money, a person uses menacing or intimidation to induce another to commit prostitution. Pandering is a class 3 misdemeanor if, for money, a person arranges a situation where another can practice prostitution. Keeping a Place of Prostitution is a class 2 misdemeanor and is charged when a person allows a place they own or have control over to be used for prostitution.
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