Electronic communication with someone under 15 that is sexual in nature can lead to criminal charges in Weld County, Colorado. Whether sent via text, direct message, email, or within a chat, this type of communication is unlawful if it contains a suggestion to meet in person. Adults and those more than 4 years older than children have to be especially careful when it comes to how they interact electronically with younger people in Weld, Boulder, and Larimer County. If you're in need of internet luring defense in Colorado, we recommend exercising your right to remain silent and contacting one of our experienced sex crime attorneys as soon as possible.
What Leads to Internet Luring of a Child Charges in Colorado?
While the internet luring statute itself is complex, the acts involved in committing this sex offense include a few costly clicks. CRS 18-3-306 defines the elements of luring children over the internet throughout Colorado. Law enforcement in Greeley, Fort Collins, or Boulder will pursue internet luring charges if they believe you:
- knowingly communicated eletronically,
- descriptions of explicit sexual conduct,
- to someone under 15 and more than 4 years younger than you,
- AND invited or persuaded them to meet you
It doesn't matter if the meeting itself didn't take place. The act of sending sexual descriptions (intercourse, fondling, nudity, masturbation, or arousal) to young teens coupled with the invitation to meet is enough to encounter charges.
How Bad is Internet Luring in Weld County?
Each internet luring of a child case is unique. Punishments don't always look the same. This sex offense is at minimum a class 5 felony throughout the state of Colorado. A conviction can lead to:
- a prison sentence of 1 – 3 years,
- a period of parole,
- fines of $1K – $100K,
- sex offender registration
However, if the intent in meeting with the child was sexual exploitation, the crime increases to a class 4 felony. This can double the prison sentence, add to the parole period, and increase the fine amounts substantially. Registered sex offenders face many hurdles in their lives including strict supervision, employment limitations, and restricted housing options.
Northern Colorado Sex Offense Attorney
Building a strong defense to internet luring of a child allegations requires experience and expertise. The criminal lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group have decades of combined experience successfully fighting sex crime charges throughout Weld, Larimer, Boulder, Denver, and Adams County. Perhaps you had no idea you were communicating with someone under 15, your descriptions weren't explicit, or there wasn't persuasion to meet. That said, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully evaluate your case and suggest next steps in your defense. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for people facing allegations throughout Colorado.
Talk to us about internet luring accusations – not the police. 303-830-0880
Photo by cottonbro
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