When adults send sexual content to children electronically in Lakewood, Arvada, or Golden they can face charges of internet luring of a child. An attempt to meet the minor in person after the sexual communication often leads to police involvement. The age difference in these situations must be 5 years or more for criminal penalties to apply. Electronic conversations that turn sexual are dangerous when the recipient could be underage. Contact an experienced internet luring lawyer in Lakewood today if you know you're under investigation or have been charged with this child sex crime.
Jefferson County Internet Luring of a Child Law
Jefferson County's internet luring law prohibits sending sexual messages to children and intending to meet. CRS 18-3-306 defines specific acts of internet luring throughout Colorado. You could be arrested for interning luring in Jefferson, Boulder, or Adams County if you:
- knowingly communicate descriptions of explicit sexual conduct electronically,
- to someone you know or believe is 14 or younger and you're more than 4 years older than the child,
- AND you make a statement encouraging meeting in person
Describing or referencing nudity, fondling, arousal, masturbation, or intercourse will satisfy the explicit sexual descriptions element. Charges can follow even if the in-person meeting doesn't take place or the recipient isn't actually a child.
How Bad is Internet Luring in Colorado?
While each internet luring case is different, this offense is a felony throughout Colorado. A conviction can lead to:
- up to 3 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
- fines of $1,000 – $100,000
However, if the purpose of meeting in person was to sexually exploit the child or engage in sexual contact, the offense increases to a class 4 felony. This can double the prison sentence, substantially add to the fine amounts, and also requires sex offender registration.
Should I Hire an Internet Luring Lawyer in Lakewood?
Hiring a private attorney for an internet luring charge has many benefits. With particularly severe consequences on the line, having a legal advocate on your side often leads to a better outcome. Perhaps you didn't know you were communicating with an underage child, you didn't describe sexual conduct, or there wasn't an invitation to meet. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully analyze your case, as well as recommend next steps in your defense. Exercise your right to remain silent and consult one of our attorneys today.
So, don't talk to the police about internet luring – talk to us. Sawyer Legal Group, LLC 303-830-0880
Photo by Gaelle Marcel
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