Criminal attorneys are seeing Prostitution charges in Denver increasing due to sting operations and false allegations. We are getting calls of people who are charged with these crimes from sting operations on various roads in the Denver Metro Area. The jurisdiction of those cases tends to fall either in Lakewood or Denver. The Lakewood Police Department will use trained officers to deceive people into stopping their vehicles and engaging a woman on the street. Then, the police move in for the arrest.
What is Prostitution in Denver According to a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Prostitution in Denver is defined several different ways. Typically, a person will be charged with Soliciting for Prostitution under Denver's code Sec. 38-158. Basically, that law prohibits adults from engaging in a sexual relationship in exchange for money or other valuable consideration. Further, the State of Colorado also prohibits the act. As criminal defense lawyers in Denver, we see people charged with Soliciting for Prostitution (C.R.S. 18-7-202). However, there are times when a person is also charged with Patronizing a Prostitute (C.R.S. 18-7-205). The language in the laws is very similar.
Criminal Attorneys Know the Collateral Consequences for Prostitution Charges in Denver
There are collateral consequences for dealing with Prostitution Charges in Denver. There is a law called the Nuisance and Abatement law in Denver. This law provides that a person charged with a crime in Denver will potentially lose their possessions used in that crime. For instance, let's say that you drove up to a woman on the street. The two of you decided on a price for specific sexual acts. Shortly after you had agreed, you were arrested and charged with Soliciting a Prostitute in Denver. At that point, the Denver city Attorney's Office will likely impound your car. They will force you to fight them to get your car back. It is basically governmental theft. Our experienced criminal lawyers will fight against the government taking your valuable items.
What do I do if I am Dealing with Prostitution Charges in Lakewood, Colorado?
It is tough to face charges of Prostitution Prohibited. It is even tougher to face them alone. Thus, what you need is the best criminal attorney in Denver fighting for your freedom and possessions. We spend countless hours defending your good name and attacking the government's theft of your property.
So, if you or a loved one is facing Prosititution Charges in Denver, Colorado, call O'Malley and Sawyer at 303-830-0880 to speak immediately with one of our attorneys. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: Pixabay-Maura24
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