Many elements of Colorado's sex trade are still unlawful in Denver, Lakewood, and Aurora. Asking for or performing sexual acts in exchange for something of value can result in several different charges. Understanding the difference between soliciting and patronizing a prostitute is important as one often follows the other. Additionally, prostitution crimes aren't all the same and some come with more severe penalties than others. The main difference when it comes to these specific crimes is asking vs receiving. Contact an experienced prostitution attorney today if you're being accused of a sex trade crime in Colorado.
Soliciting for Prostitution in Denver
Soliciting for prostitution in Denver is typically the precursor to patronizing a prostitute. This crime involves offering money or something of value in exchange for sex with someone who isn't your spouse. C.R.S. 18-7-202 describes the specific violations of solicitation. You commit this prostitution offense in Denver, Lakewood, or Aurora if you:
- solicit another for the purpose of prostitution,
- arrange or offer to arrange a meeting for the purpose of prostitution,
- OR direct someone to a location for the purpose of prostitution
As a petty offense, conviction can result in up to 10 days in county jail and fines of up to $5,000. This specific charge is sometimes the result of a police sting operation where undercover law enforcement disguise themselves as prostitutes or place adds online trying to catch “johns” in the area.
Patronizing a Prostitute in Denver
At the point when another person accepts the money for sex, the acts take place, or you enter a place of prostitution, patronizing charges can apply. You commit this prostitution-related crime in Denver, Aurora, or Lakewood if you:
- engage in sexual acts with a prostitute,
- or enter or remain in a place of prostitution intending to engage in sexual acts
As a petty offense, patronizing a prostitute can result in up to 10 days in county jail, as well as fines of up to $5,000.
Colorado Soliciting and Patronizing Defense Attorney
Allegations of a prostitution crime in Colorado can wreak havoc on your life. Beyond the potential incarceration and fines, a person's reputation can also be tarnished and their relationships can deteriorate. Your next step is to consult a skilled criminal lawyer with experience defending clients facing prostitution charges. Look no further than the attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC. We offer a free initial consultation, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing sex trade charges throughout Colorado.
Don't talk to police about prostitution allegations - talk to us. 303-830-0880
Photo by engin akyurt
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