Internet luring in Colorado involves communicating sexual content electronically to someone under the age of 15. Coupled with some type of invitation to meet in person, devastating criminal charges can result. Internet luring of a child sometimes includes situations where an adult travels to meet a child for sex after suggestive texts, messages, or emails are exchanged. However, in some instances the person on the other end of the communication isn't a child but an undercover officer. Earlier this month, a Colorado high school sports official was arrested in a nearby state after traveling there intending to have sex with an underage girl. Allegations of this nature require contacting a strategic sex crimes attorney as soon as possible.
Colorado Internet Luring of a Child Law
Internet luring of a child is a complex law that prohibits specific communication / invitations to young teens throughout Colorado. CRS 18-3-306 defines the specific violations in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Aurora. You commit this Internet sex crime if you:
- knowingly communicate descriptions of explicit sexual conduct electronically,
- to someone who is 14 or younger and more than 4 years younger than you,
- and persuade or invite them to meet in-person
Descriptions of explicit sexual conduct refers to texts, messages, or emails that describe intercourse, fondling, nudity, masturbation, or arousal.
Penalties for Internet Luring in Colorado
Each case of internet luring in Colorado is different. Therefore, the ramifications of conviction are as well. Internet luring of a child is at minimum a class 5 felony. A conviction can result in:
- up to 3 years in DOC,
- a minimum fine of $1,000
However, if the intent behind meeting in person was to sexually exploit the young person, a class 4 felony applies. This raises possible penalties to:
- 2 – 6 years in DOC,
- a maximum fine of $500,000,
- sex offender registration
Communicating electronically with minors can also result in charges of sexual exploitation of a child and attempted sexual assault on a child.
Colorado Child Sex Crime Attorney
If you're facing an allegation of internet luring in Colorado, the time to act is now. Don't talk to police if they show up at your home or call you. Exercise your right to remain silent and talk to an experienced sex crime attorney right away. Perhaps you weren't aware the person was under 15, the exchange didn't include sexual descriptions, or there wasn't an invitation to meet. That said, contact our office for a free consultation or to set up a jail visit. We will carefully look over your case, as well as recommend next steps in your defense. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make strategic representation a reality in these uncertain times.
So, if you or someone you know is facing a charge of internet luring in Colorado, be smart. Consult the highly-rated criminal lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
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